IQAC ( Internal Quality Assurance Cell )

About IQAC

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) of the college was established in the year 2005 as per NAAC guidelines with the objective of ushering in quality culture in the institution and providing the necessary environment to sustain the same. Its composition and activities are in accordance with NAAC guidelines. The IQAC has been working as a nodal centre to set quality benchmarks, establish processes and help in the implementation of the same in the areas of academics and administration. It is constantly working to achieve incremental growth in all areas and monitor the sustenance of innovative and best practices.
Since the establishment of IQAC in our institution with a view to decentralize and have participative approach several committees/cells have been formed to plan and execute programs of academic, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The IQAC interacts with all the committees and stake holders to raise the bar in all the activities conducted by the college.

Vision and Objective

To promote quality culture as the prime concern of Higher Education Institutions through institutionalizing and internalizing all the quality-enhancing and sustaining initiatives taken with internal and external support
The primary aim of the IQAC is

  • To develop a mechanism to promote conscious, consistent and catalytic action plans to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
  • To promote institutional quality enhancement and sustenance through the internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of the best practices

Functions of IQAC

  1. Development and application of quality benchmarks;
  2. Setting parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution;
  3. Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty development to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process;
  4. Collection and analysis of feedback from all the stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes;
  5. Dissemination of information on various quality parameters to all the stakeholders;
  6. Organization of intra- and inter-institutional workshops and seminars on quality- related themes and promotion of quality circles;
  7. Documentation of various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement;
  8. Acting as a nodal agency of the institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of the best practices;
  9. Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining and enhancing institutional quality;
  10. Periodical conduct of Academic and Administrative Audits along with their follow-up activities;
  11. Preparation and submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per the guidelines and parameters of NAAC.


Sl. No.DescriptionDownload
1Self Study Report (SSR)Download


Sl. No.DescriptionDownload
1AQAR 22-23Download
2AQAR 21-22
3AQAR 20-21
4AQAR 19-20
5AQAR 18-19
6AQAR 17-18
7AQAR 16-17
8AQAR 15-16
9AQAR 14-15

NAAC Certificates

Sl. No.DescriptionDownload
1NAAC Certificate 4th CycleDownload
2NAAC Certificate 3rd CycleDownload

NAAC Peer Team Reports

Sl. No.DescriptionDownload
1NAAC Peer Team Report 4th Cycle (2022)Download
2NAAC Peer Team Report 3rd Cycle (2016)Download
3NAAC Peer Team Report 2nd Cycle (2009)Download
4NAAC Peer Team Report 1st Cycle (2004)Download
Sl. NoDescriptionDownload
1Calendar of event 2023-24 Download
2Calendar of Events 2022-23Download
Sl. NoDescriptionDownload
1MOM 2023
2MOM 2022Download
3MOM 2021Download
4MOM 2020
5MOM 2019
Sl. NoDescriptionDownload
1Best Practices 2022-23
2Best Practices 2021-22
3Best Practices 4th CycleDownload
Sl. NoDescriptionDownload
1Institutional Distinctiveness 2022-23
2Institutional Distinctiveness 2021-22
3Institutional Distinctiveness 4th CycleDownload
Sl. No.DescriptionDownload
1SSS 2022-23
2SSS 2021-22
3SSS 2020-21
Sl. NoDescriptionDownload
1Feedback Analysis and Report 2022-23
2Feedback Analysis and Report 2021-22
3Feedback Analysis and Report 2020-21Download
Sl. NoDescriptionDownload
1NIRF Data submitted for AY 2022-23
2NIRF Data submitted for AY 2021-22
Sl. NoDescriptionDownload
1Course Outcomes 2022-23
2Course Outcomes 2021-22
3Course Outcomes 2020-21Download

  1. IQAC helps the admission committee in preparing the college Prospectus.
  2. Conduct of gap-analysis.
  3. Help the departments in preparing Laboratory manual.
  4. Plan and execute Academic and Administrative audit (AAA).
  5. Coordinating the Pre-Admission counselling to help students choose the right course and combination at the time of admission
  6. Preparation of the Quality Manual.
  7. Strengthening of Mentorship program.
  8. Preparation of guidelines for ADD-on Courses
  9. Conduction of orientation program for faculty and staff on student Induction program
  10. Frame SOP for Low and High Academic achievers
  11. Enrichment Programs for teaching staff and administrative staff
Sl. No.DescriptionDownload
1Quality Manual
2Quality Manual for Online Teaching Learning
Sl. No.DescriptionDownload
1Research Policy
2E_Governance Policy
3Resource Mobilization Policy
4Infrastructure Maintenance Policy
Sl. No.DescriptionDownload
1Strategic and Perspective Plan 2022
2Strategic and Perspective Plan 2016